Egersund Næringspark EIGESTAD

SUSTAINABLE industrial estate

igestad industrial estate consists of 125 acres fully regulated industrial estate plus 137.5 acres which is included in the municipal plan

as well as the possibility of over 250 acres expansion

“Eigersund is an industrial municipality and we know what is required of rapid case processing and continuous collaboration and dialogue between business and political and administrative management in the municipality in order for the establishment of a large industrial company to be a success. Aker Solutions’ yard is a good reference in this regard, with its more than 500 permanent employees. During busy periods there are 2500 workers inside the gate to Aker. We will keep going 100% for new industry to have the best conditions for success!”

Odd Stangeland

Mayor Egersund

Industrial site that can be ready for construction before 2023

125 acres fully regulated with possibility of expansion


Light green area – shows fully regulated area for industry in the municipality of Eigersund.

Large industrial buildings are allowed with a height of 20 m. Silos, tanks, building parts related to production and technical facilities can be allowed built higher.

Predictable costs for site and infrastructure can be disclosed

Se reguleringsplan


125 acres of a commercial estate is included in the municipal plan of Bjerkreim for the expansion of the regulated area. This can be easily regulated for industry.


It is possible to expand the estate by a further 250 acres within the municipality of Eigersund – to attain a total of over 500 acres of industrial estate.


Egersund Næringspark owns the majority of the regulated area. At the same time, we have option agreements for most of the area that has the potential for expansion. This simplifies the process by being able to relate to only one party – Egersund Næringspark.

The municipality of Eigersund also considers buying into the commercial area, so that the municipality’s support is secured as a facilitator and promoter for establishments.


In Egersund Næringspark you will not face conflicts in relation to housing, adjacent activities, cultural heritage, noise restrictions, nature and environment, or resistance from the general population.

An impact assessment has been made, with several sub-reports, regarding the adopted zoning plan and one does not know of any conflicts or major challenges for the realization of the area. And also, we have not registered any complaints or any kind of resistance from the population so far.

Eigestad is simply the optimal location to place major industry in that matter.

Heavy rain and wind provides SHORT-TRAVELLED renewable energy!

Green energy provides green industry – 300 MW in 2024


Eigestad is closely connected to Statnett’s existing 300 kV lines and central substations. It is only 5 km from Kielland substation and about 10 km from Bjerkreim substation – in addition to the establishment of a new 132/22 kV substation inside the commercial estate.

Preparations are under way for licence applications for a 132 kV ring connection between the commercial park and these central substations, as well as ongoing licensing procedures of the 132 kV line from Gya to Eigestad. Rogaland Industrinett/Dalane Energi is responsible for these applications and has the dialogue with NVE, as well as Statnett and Lyse who are owners of the grid.

Delivery of up to 300 MW is planned for the commercial estate from mid-2024. Temporary power supply is delivered from the distribution network to Enida during the construction period.


Eigestad is located in the middle of Norway’s wind power capital. The windfarms in Bjerkreim, Eigersund, and surrounding municipalities forms the largest wind cluster developed in Norway and can deliver more than enough short-travelled renewable energy.

The farm is located close to large hydropower plants such as Sira Kvina, Finså, and Lysefjord. A licence for hydropower development has also been applied for in Gya, just a few kilometres from Eigestad. This development is planned with a line to the substation in the commercial estate.

Overall, this provides a guarantee of safe supply of renewable energy and a “green stamp” to businesses that establish themselves in the commercial estate.


Rogaland Industrinett is in the process of making a licence application for the delivery of lines in a ring connection (see map), which provides a cost-effective supply with redundancy, a high degree of reliability and flexibility in operation and maintenance. Rogaland Industrinett aims to facilitate, own and operate electrical infrastructure for power-intensive industry in Rogaland.

The company is the applicant and owner of industrial licences for power lines and substations, specifically related to the established industrial estates. The company is owned by Dalane Energi AS, a publicly owned energy group in the Dalane region of Rogaland, headquartered in Egersund


Secure energy supply is planned, which is essential for major industrial establishments.

Rogaland Industrinett is in the process of making a licence application for the delivery of lines in a ring connection as shown on the map to the right.

This provides a cost-effective supply with redundancy, a high degree of reliability and flexibility in operation and maintenance, which should fit like a glove for power-intensive industry

Industrial estate close to important infrastructure

Easy access – sustainable and efficient logistics


Stavanger Airport – Sola is less than a 50 minute drive from Eigestad. (When the new 4-lane E39 is ready, this is further reduced to 35 min.) There are many international routes and very good domestic connections here.


It’s a 10-15 minutes drive to the deep-water quay at the port terminal at Kaupanes in Egersund harbour.

The international (ISPS) shipping terminal Kaupanes has an area of 8.75 acres and in addition we have about 2.5 acres of staging area for containers. We have the following port facilities at Kaupanes:

  • 1 deep-water quay with a length of 140 m and about 8.5 m deep
  • 1 deep-water quay (quayage) with a total length of 135 m and about 9 m deep
  • 1 RO-RO quay with a length of 160 m and about 9 m deep
  • Directly connected to the ISPS terminal lies
  • Holevika with about 7.5 acres of storage space for equipment.
  • The quays are designed for an evenly distributed payload of 50 kN/m2 (5 h/m2), distributed throughout the quay areas, alternatively for a point load of 700 kN (70 tons), divided into a load surface of 1.0 x 1.0 m.
  • Can handle container ships
  • Feedermax 3000 containers
  • Feeder 1000-2000 containers
  • Small feeder up to 1000 containers
  • Capacity of 30-40 containers per hour


It takes 50 minutes to drive to Stavangerregionen Havn Risavika from Eigestad. (When the new 4-lane E39 is ready, this is further reduced to 35 min.)

Here you will find Westport freight terminal. The combination of location, expertise, quality, and modern logistics solutions makes Westport the most important logistics hub in Western Norway – both for domestic and international shipping of goods.

See more at:


Eigestad is located less than 3 km from the railway line to Sørlandsbanen, with the nearest station in Egersund.

The freight terminal at Ganddal is about 40 minutes drive from Eigestad. (When the new 4-lane E39 is ready, this is further reduced to 25 min.) Ganddal freight terminal is Norway’s newest intermodal terminal and is located in the municipality of Sandnes. The terminal services both Sandnes and Stavanger regions. It is designed for both wagonloads, transport of cars, and intermodal transports.


The commercial estate is strategically located right next to E39 with its own entry and exit. The new 4-lane E39 route will be built nearby , with its own cross/logistics hub, so that Eigestad is also in the future secured good connection to E39, as well as good public transport solutions.

The immediate proximity to E39 also means that there is no further need for own infrastructure during the construction phase, except for internal construction roads.


In addition to the proximity to E39, Eigestad is 3 km away from the railway, this also enables – in the long term and by political agreement – transportation of commodities by railway to/from the site.

With excellent and quick connections between the industrial estate and logistics hubs, it will be possible to operate an efficient and sustainable transport of commodities in and batteries out to customers in Europe.

There are also great public transport solutions for the workforce, by trains, local buses, and express buses. Eigersund has great experience in setting up its own bus routes for companies that needs to transport employees to and from work.


Plans for fiber broadband, process water and mass balance


With two lakes and a watercourse in the immediate proximity, the area is equipped for the process industry. An evaluation has been initiated of the plan for cooling and process water. The preliminary note shows that there should be enough cooling and process water available for a data centre or battery factory.

Work is underway on additional mapping, investigation, and the design of an application for the assessment of the licensing obligation for NVE to clarify the final scope.


Sanitary water and sewerage are planned to be connected to the municipality of Eigersund’s water and wastewater systems for Helleland. This is connected by Krossmoen and there are known and affordable costs associated with this solution.

Initial plans have begun for an extinguishing water supply and sprinkler system, although there are currently several possible solutions available. Currently there are several possible solutions. It may also be relevant to establish a water storage tank in the area to ensure a safety reserve, for a fire extinguishing system in case of emergency and potentially for the purpose of water pressure equalization.


Altifiber has 3 separate lines available in the area – which allows you to connect to the internet with 3 redundant lines at a marginal cost. It is also no problem to get dark fiber to the estate, if that is needed..

Delay to Dublin (ms) 15
Delay to London (ms) 10
Delay to  New York (ms) 42
Delay to Frankfurt (ms) 13
Delay to Amsterdam (ms) 12
Delay to Stockholm (ms) 11
Delay to Oslo (ms) 6
Delay to Esbjerg (ms) 9
Delay to Newcastle (ms) 9
Access to dark fiber Yes
Fiber at site Yes

The mass balance in the area is great. There are concrete plans to take down a couple of hills/mountains, and use these masses to level the area.

We have execution and costs under control and are in the process of more detailed planning.

One owner of Egersund Næringspark, Bertelsen & Garpestad, is one of the region’s leading machine and excavator contractors, with excellent expertise in the area. Advantageous internal pricing supports the execution, if a levelled plot from Eigersund Business Park is desired

Ground investigations and landslide risk assessments have been carried out in the area. The only finding is the possibility of rockfall in cuts, which will be eliminated by the implementation of the zoning plan / levelling of masses.

One hour from 330,000 inhabitants

Located strategically between Stavanger and Egersund


The Egersund and Stavanger region has a diverse labour market, but is particularly large in industry, mining, and quarrying. Aker Solutions in Egersund has over 500 permanent employees and between 1500-2000 contractors. Other large industrial companies in the Egersund region are Titania, NorDan, and Covent.

Within 60 km there are a total of 170,000 employees in private and public enterprises. More than 13,500 of these are in industry and 27,000 are in mining and quarrying. The oil and gas adventure in the Stavanger region has been crucial for this development. 50 years of oil industry has created one of Norway’s strongest technical areas of expertise. This industry is now turning to environmentally friendly solutions and new opportunities.

We have a solid and skilled construction industry in the region, with over 11,000 employees. This will be an important source of resources and contributions in the establishment and construction of a battery factory


Stavanger has its own university with a number of studies, including engineering/ civil engineering and science. Technical vocational school in Rogaland offers, among other things, studies in mechanical engineering, automation and electric power.

Dalane upper secondary school in Egersund has a wide variety of educational opportunities, including process and mechanical industry and electrical engineering. Dalane Utdanningssenter offers upper secondary education, courses, vocational education, and higher education.

In the Stavanger region there are many upper secondary schools to choose from.
We are already in discussions with Egersund Energy Hub at Langholmen about the possibility of collaborating on establishing a battery education at Dalane upper secondary school


The commercial estate is close to both hospitals, fire and rescue services. Fire and rescue services has its own emergency department in Bjerkreim. At alarm dispatch in Bjerkreim, a full unit is always deployed from Eigersund at the same time.

Emergency Medical Communication Center Stavanger is among the country’s largest Emergency Medical Communication centres with 8 ambulance stations and 17 ambulances distributed among 24 hours/day.

It takes 50 minutes to drive to Stavanger University Hospital (SUS) – one of Norway’s six university hospitals and among Norway’s largest emergency hospitals. A new hospital is under construction. The first stage of construction will be ready in 2024.

Both in Bjerkreim and in Eigersund there are emergency departments and in Egersund there are still local medical facilities available at the old hospital.


Egersund is filled with cosy, historical timber houses, a great town centre with a variety of high street shops, tasty restaurants and cafés and a rich cultural life with many clubs, associations, and festivals throughout the year. There are approximately 15,000 inhabitants in the municipality and Egersund is the regional centre for the approximately 42,000 inhabitants living in the neighboring municipalities. Within an hour’s radius, about 330,000 inhabitants are reached.

You can experience the varied and diverse nature on walks in forests, fields and mountains, and the beautiful coast is lovely to experience both in a boat and on foot.

With a short distance to Stavanger Airport and great rail connections by Jærbanen and Sørlandsbanen to both Stavanger, Kristiansand, and Oslo, it is easy to get in and out of Egersund.

The opportunities to commute are especially good between Stavanger and Egersund. Commuter trains several times an hour makes it easy and affordable for the 1,200 people who commute to Egersund and the more than 2,000 who commute out of the municipality. Here are also good public transport arrangements between train station and larger workplaces.

There are also several express buses on E39, right next to the commercial estate, morning and evening. When establishing a battery factory, it will also be natural to establish a dedicated bus stop.
Large population growth and constant developments means that there are attractive living areas both in Egersund, Bjerkreim, all along Jæren, and in the Sandnes/Stavanger area.


The Egersund region is growing, and has a variety of businesses in most commercial estates. The maritime industrial environment with shipyard and fishing industries is among the largest businesses. Egersund harbour is one of the largest fishing ports in Norway measured in landed quantity of fish and has several large protein factories and fish landings.

The Egersund region is part of the Stavanger region, which contains versatile and dynamic businesses known for high value creation and innovation. The business structure is dominated by oil and gas related activities. The oil companies, and a wide range of subcontractors, have more than 45,000 employees.

Rogaland is the largest industrial county and also one of the largest power producers in Norway. The region is also one of the largest agricultural regions, and is an important producer of meat, dairy products and vegetables. The Stavanger region’s service sector, including travel and tourism, as well as finance and public enterprise, is also large.

In summary, we can show to exciting job opportunities in industries such as IT, health, education, the service industry, finance, industry and manufacturing, oil and gas, construction, data and technology, logistics, and sales


Good collaboration between the public and private sectors drives results

The municipality of Eigersund, Eigersund Næring og Havn, Dalane Energi, Bertelsen & Garpestad, and Seabrokers Group are joining forces on the Egersund Næringspark initiative – Eigestad industrial estate


Eigersund is a municipality of industry and harbour with a variety of businesses. There are about 15,000 people living in the municipality, which has had city status since 1798 and is a regional centre in Dalane. Although we are a small city, this allows us to offer most services that larger cities have. We are also an integral part of the Stavanger region, with the offers and benefits that brings.

For Eigersund, it is important to have a close and good collaboration with the municipality’s business community and think holistically about this. We will both have efficient application processes and facilitate. But we are also paying attention to that there are good employment and educational opportunities for family members. Moreover, it is important that there is a good service offer and a wide selection of clubs and associations, in order to thrive even outside of working hours.

We are accustomed to working with industrial companies and dealing with large scale-ups of work force. We will use this experience positively when establishing new businesses. We want to start a dialogue and be supportive in advance, so that we can help make such establishments go smoothly.


As a real commitment and proactive attitude towards the business community, the municipality of Eigersund chose to establish the municipal undertaking, Eigersund Næring og Havn, to safeguard the business community in a professional way.

The purpose of the enterprise is to ensure the municipality is competitive and environmentally friendly with a consolidated business strategy. Through this is also the responsibility for land development for business. The enterprise also aims to manage and develop the municipality’s sea areas.

Eigersund Næring og Havn wants to have a close follow-up with the business community. We want to understand the needs of the business community and as much as possible facilitate the individual business. We go to great lengths to be a good partner. With us you will experience solution-oriented, constructive and targeted dialogue and action.


Dalane Energi AS is a group consisting of Dalane Kraft AS, Enida AS, Dalane Energisalg AS, and Rogaland Industrinett AS. Dalane Kraft AS operates power production, Dalane Energisalg AS with electricity sales, Enida AS operates and maintains the entire grid in the four Dalane municipalities, while Rogaland Industrinett AS aims to facilitate, own, and operate electrical infrastructure for the power-intensive industries in Rogaland.

Our history is long and proud. On November 25th 1905, merchant and owner of sailing ships, Theodor Nordaas, had built the old Øgreyfoss power station on the outskirts of Egersund. This was the very first establishment of energy supply for public use in Rogaland, and the start of the company that today is Dalane Energi. The company is owned by the four Dalane municipalities of Bjerkreim, Eigersund, Lund, and Sokndal.

We have a close and good collaboration with our owner municipalities and businesses in the region. Through our company, Rogaland Industrinett, we will ensure that parties that establishes themselves in Egersund Næringspark have a sufficient, predictable, cost-effective, and not to mention secure energy supply.


Bertelsen & Garpestad AS is a company in BG Gruppen that has been operating in the construction industry since 1959. Today we handle annually about 1.2 billion NOK and have 240 employees.

Our largest assignments consist of the construction of roads for the public sector. In addition, we have assignments with drilling, blasting, and mass relocation in several quarries, power plants and the preparation of residential areas and industrial estates. Our assignments are distributed throughout Norway, and we have a long tradition of working at sites. But we also carry out some assignments locally. No job is too small or too big.
Bertelsen & Garpestad AS has central approval in development class in most fields. We value the professional competence of our employees, and we also focus on the growth of apprentices. Our reputation shall be based on ability to perform and good solutions.

We are a 50% owner of Egersund Næringspark, and with our expertise and values we will help ensure that the development of the area is carried out in the best way. Advantageous internal pricing from us helps to make the area cost-efficient.


Seabrokers Group provides a unique and varied range of services for our customers nationally and internationally. We have skilled employees in shipbroking, real estate, facility management, construction, cranes, sea surveillance, safe lifting operations, and autonomous vehicles and solutions. Our main office is Seabrokers House in Forusbeen 78, Stavanger. The Seabrokers Group is different, and proud of it – information and knowledge give us the ability to perform in our diverse business areas.

Seabrokers Eiendom owns and manages about 210,000 sqm of commercial estate. We are a long-term owner, with faith in the future and strong tenants. Today, we emerge as one of the region’s largest private property owners. This gives us flexibility.

Seabrokers Eiendom owns 50% of Egersund Næringspark. With our diverse business areas and special knowledge in real estate, we know what it takes to develop the commercial estate in a forward-looking and sustainable way. We are happy to assist companies that establish themselves with the construction and operation of premises and other services that would be needed.


Egersund Næringspark is the formal owner of the industrial estate at Eigestad. The company is currently owned 50/50 by Bertelsen & Garpestad and Seabrokers. The municipality of Eigersund and Dalane Energi are considering buying into the company to further enhance the good collaboration.

We also own our own industrial estate in Egersund harbour, with our own quay facilities. Here we have recently constructed a commercial building of 8800 m2 where we are involved in creating Egersund Energy hub – A centre of excellence within onshore and offshore windfarms, renewable energy, and environmental technology. The area has additional development opportunities for 3 larger combination buildings with their own harbour/warehouse area.

For the industrial estate at Eigestad we see ourselves more as a coordinator, facilitator, and sales and service body. It is essential for us to maintain close and good collaboration with the municipality of Eigersund, Eigersund Næring og Havn, Dalane Energi, the holding companies, and others, in order to be able to realize the area in a sustainable way and manage this according to the customer’s wishes

Please let us know if you have any questions or wishes, and we’ll find a solution.


Surrounding municipalities and Rogaland county municipality are wholeheartedly behind this initiative, and have expressed this with their own endorsements!

Svar skjema - Egersund Næringspark Eigestad

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THE AREA IS PLANNED for power-intensive industrial purposes

500 acres – 300MW in 2024


Power – near substations

Renewable – windmills and hydropower

Close to harbours

Close to railway and airport

No form of conflicts

Attractive housing and labour market

125 acres regulated, ready for startup

Contact us

What can we do for you?

We collaborate well on the industrial estate at Eigestad and complement each other with complementary knowledge for the good of the establishment of power-intensive industry.

If you have any questions or anything you would like to discuss, we appreciate it if you contact one of us.
If there’s something we can’t answer offhand, we’ll figure it out and come back to you.
Looking forward to hearing from you!

Anne Vigdis Ellingsen

General Manager

Eigersund Næring og Havn
Mobile: 911 17 477

Odd Stangeland


Eigersund Kommune
Mobile: 488 91 802

Idar Sønstabø


Dalane Energi
Mobile: 481 59 294

Terje Jørgensen


Egersund Næringspark
Mobile: 958 56 554